

Students at the Josephinum Diaconate Institute access class registrations, class and student records using the menu choices under the STUDENT menu above or the buttons in the text below.

The ATTEND CLASSES choice links to the Learning Management System where students access course materials, interact with other students and the class instructor and submit assignments.  The username and password for this system is the email address and password that was used to register for classes. 


The Student Records and Registration choice links to the Student Records system where your  academic records are available and you can register to take a classes.

The New Student Registration Signup choice opens a form for a new student to create an account and subsequently sign up for classes.  The system creates a single account for each individual and your academic records are linked to your account.  Please log into the system and update your email if your email address changes or contact the director of distance learning so that we can update your email in the registration system and preserve your access to your records.


Note: Your email address is your user name for both the students records system and the learning management system.  The password in the Student Registration System is also used for the Learning Management System.  

The Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies Application choice opens the information page for the application process.  The MAPS degree requires the potential candidate to apply for this program of studies.  A limited number of students will be accepted each September for this program.  Courses in the Masters program are separate from the formation and continuing formation classes offered by the institute.